Once upon a time in a land far, far, away... Well, maybe not a land, but a time 11 years ago there was a book. And this book was entitled Forgiveness. The premise for it was good, but being a beginning author I just didn’t know what to do, and how to do it properly. This was when I was publishing under the name of A.J. Best. I’d like to think that I have grown as an author, but there are times when self-doubt gets in my way. Here’s what happened... In 2012, I was sitting in a Pizza Hut in a town near me when the email came in. I slid the phone over to my fiance and said, “Here, you open it. I can’t!” When his face didn’t fall or look like he was going to say, “Oh, maybe next time.” I said, “WHAT!” and grabbed the phone right out of his hands. When I read the email, I yelled out, “I’m an author, I sold a book!” The moment was filled with lots of cheers and applause from the neighboring tables (because that’s how small the community is) and I just couldn’t stop smiling. When our pizza ca...