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Showing posts from September, 2022

Role Play - Thank the Gods for Fiancés

Yesterday was a good day for writing. I worked through a scene where I really didn't want to be. I think it had a lot to do with not being able to picture how a man would scoop up a woman and feed from her. I asked some of my girlfriends and they all had different points of view on this one, so I went to the source, A MAN!!  It started with a text, "Hey, I need a favor."  Which usually means, "Hey can you do something for me?"  But when he called I threw him for a loop when I said, "When you stop by to pick up the box (another favor I needed him to do for me) could you be a vampire and show me how you'd turn me?" Instead of saying, "What you talklin' about Willis?!" He said, "OK." Talk about super sweet and supportive, that's it right there. How does someone support you when you need it? What's the oddest thing you've asked someone to do for you? (Remember folks, family-friendly blog!)  How do you tell people you

Always Be Willing to Learn - Clichés and Stereotypes

I LOVE to learn. And in the process of writing my book Blue Rose Night  I started second-guessing myself and my ability to write something worth reading. So I did what I always do when I'm worried about something like that, I take a class. Luckily through my library, I have the ability to take free classes through Universal Class . I was beyond thrilled when I saw that they had a paranormal romance class (my genre). My friends have been telling me that I know how to write, I'm writing. But there is something in me that has really been wondering. One of my more recent lessons was on clichés and stereotypes. I read through the class and took the quiz with no problems. But... when it came down to the written part of the class I was like WTF am I doing? I try so hard to avoid them that the requirement of coming up with three whole paragraphs (as if I don't normally have an overabundance of words flowing all over the place) about undid me. How do I fill in enough cliché and ster

So many tools, so little time

Sometimes I get in my own way. Or should that have read 'more often than not I get in my own way'? Whichever it happens to be at the time I really need to work on that and so I turn to tools to help me through. Example 1 :         I start writing a book, a good solid one this time, and I put it aside because the little demons in my head come out and say, "You're not good enough. Your other book only sold 50 copies and the reviews were abysmal." Instead of squashing that little voice and telling him to shut the fuck up I give up. Fast forward six long years and I mention to my bestie (waves at Shelly Bean) that I write and I'm in the middle of something. She says, "Read some to me," and I do. She convinces me that it's good and I should keep going. I do some digging around later and I come to find a very useful tool/game/game changer called:   With this site, you get to battle monsters (personal ones and the ones they provide you wit