I LOVE to learn. And in the process of writing my book Blue Rose Night I started second-guessing myself and my ability to write something worth reading. So I did what I always do when I'm worried about something like that, I take a class. Luckily through my library, I have the ability to take free classes through Universal Class. I was beyond thrilled when I saw that they had a paranormal romance class (my genre). My friends have been telling me that I know how to write, I'm writing. But there is something in me that has really been wondering. One of my more recent lessons was on clichés and stereotypes. I read through the class and took the quiz with no problems. But... when it came down to the written part of the class I was like WTF am I doing? I try so hard to avoid them that the requirement of coming up with three whole paragraphs (as if I don't normally have an overabundance of words flowing all over the place) about undid me. How do I fill in enough cliché and stereotypes to meet the instructor's criteria? It was HARD! I thought I'd share the three that I came up with for her with you.
Remember, if you worry about not knowing enough, find a way to learn more. It's so worth it. There is a wealth of information out there, just be willing to learn.
So far, it had been a lovely date. Cristian had started out by holding the chair out for her which was a little old school, but very much appreciated. Jessica found it odd though his insistence that they dine after sundown. Since they waited that long, they were going to miss the opportunity to view the showing of the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. He had told her that her choice of movie was in poor taste, but to each their own she figured.
Now that they were seated she took a look at the menu, she loved Italian. For some reason he wasn't picking up the menu, perhaps he'd been here before. When Jessica asked him if he knew what he wanted he told her that he'd had a bite right before he got there. She thought that was a little odd, but perhaps he wasn't as into Italian food as she was, it was her choice where to go after all.
Just then Cristian pointed out that she had something between her teeth, Jessica was appalled. How long had that been there? She glanced into the mirror and picked what looked like spinach from her salad at lunch, how embarrassing! When she looked toward Cristian she noticed that there was no reflection! Oh boy, not another one! Internet dating just wasn't what it was cracked up to be. Perhaps she'd have garlic after all.
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