Here’s a short excerpt from Chapter 3 which I’m currently editing. I hope you enjoy. Tell me how you meet your significant other. 
As an insomniac, I have tons of time to think about writing (when one should be writing) and what they have learned, and how. I honestly think that my cats have taught me most of what I need to know. 1. Steady and cunning get you what you want. If you don’t have a cat and have never seen them stalk a fly/ladybug/moth you’ve missed out on a lifetime of lessons. They will sit as still as can be and stalk that thing till it’s just in reach. And eight times out of ten, they get what they are going after. Just like writing! You have to be steady in your course and you will achieve your goals. You have to make sure that you keep the eye on the prize. If you don’t get it the first time keep on keeping on, it WILL happen. 2. Know who you can lean on. Cats are particularly finicky over who they will ‘sit’ with. My cat Earl can walk up to me, nudge the laptop from my lap, curl up, and fall asleep. He only stays there long enough for a cat nap, but he knows that he can do it and won’t be chasti...
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